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Tul World

Everything ITF Taekwon-Do


Tul World is an online platform to reinforce and Discover new knowledge in ITF Taekwon-Do

What Makes A Great Black Belt Test | Podcast

Should Video Playback Be Allowed in Protests | Podcast

How To Help Your Martial Artist Students The Best | Podcast

Do I Snap A Slow Motion Technique | Podcast

Ko-Dang & Juche - Do I Need To Use This Hand | Podcast

What is the Hardest Rank to Achieve | Podcast

How Does Taekwon-Do Fit Into the Martial Art World and Where It's Going | Podcast

Why Do I Move the Right Foot Back in These Patterns | Podcast

If You Could Add A Specialty Kick, What Would You Choose | Podcast


Tul World+

Tul World+ is an online resource to provide students, instructors, and school owners the best reference material. We want to continue growing ITF Taekwon-Do in the new digital age.




About Us

Master Gordon Jue, 8th Dan, has been teaching Taekwon-Do for 35+ years. He operates two Taekwon-Do schools in the Bay Area, California under ITF President Choi Jung Hwa and is the Vice-President of the US-ITF INO.

Mr. David Jue, 4th Dan, has been training for over 21 years. He has competed in international competitions since 2012 and is a Junior World Champion in 2nd Dan patterns and Adult World Games Champion in 4th Dan patterns.